
Cricket. Cricket. Cricket.

That for me is the sound of silence. The sound of crickets. Especially in winter. And on my blog for the last many months.
We face a rainstorm today - up north it is another foot of snow. Much has changed in my life of late - most notably my acceptance to the MFA in Visual Arts program at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. It is a low-residency program so no need to sell house/give up job. (Phew!) So I return to reading Roland Barthes and my other art/lit crit friends. Oh - and buying boots and a good winter hat. Brr. At least I love to ski!


At 6:57 PM, Blogger Dharmadog said...

Hi Sarah! I don't know if you remember me or not, we met at an Earth Sangha tree planting event this last Fall, and I think I spent more time asking you about painting then planting trees! Congratulations on your admission to the Vermont College of Fine Arts! I had tucked your card in my truck and just got to look at your website tonight---your paintings are STUNNING! Hope all is well with you....an acrylics class I was supposed to start tonight was cancelled due to low enrollment (sniff, sob!) so I am zooming around the internet looking for other painting classes in the Chantilly/Fairfax area. Thank you for giving me Peter Ulrich's name, I'm going to see if he has anything with acrylics starting soon, I need to find other people who paint! Happy New Year and take care!


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